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Liliana Grigoriu
Liliana Grigoriu
EF 203



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Main research interests: Discrete Optimization, Approximation Algorithms, Scheduling, Operations Research, Computer networks, (new) Computer-supported methods for stress reduction, (older) Formal Semantics 
Classes at UPB: High-Performance Computing in Sisteme Informatice in Medicina, Limbaje de Programare, Metode numerice, Sisteme de operare si structuri de date, Programare orientata pe obiecte
Teaching at other Universities: (as instructor) at Texas A&M: Formal Languages and Automata, at Univ. Siegen: Production, Modelling with OPL (a seminar course); (as teaching assistant) at Texas A&M: Analysis of Algorithms (graduate class), Algorithms, Formal Languages and Automata, Object-Oriented Programming; at Univ Siegen: Production, Decision Theory; at TU-Berlin as student teaching assistant: Category Theory for Computer Scientists, Petri nets (modeling, structuring and compositionality)  
Short Bio:
After studying Computer Science at Technische Universitat Berlin, Liliana Grigoriu obtained her Ph.D. in Computer Science at Texas A&M University and a doctorate in Systems Engineering from Politehnica University Bucharest. As a doctoral research stage, she visited for 6 months with the group Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms at the Department of Mathematics at TU-Berlin. 
Her main research focuses on Operations Research and approximation algorithms for NP-hard scheduling problems. As part of her work at the University of Siegen, she led projects in cooperation with local industry, such as the development of software that does production planning for the automotive industry and of software for planning taxi routes. She also led the project of introducing the Internet protocol IPv6 into the network of the University of Siegen using dual-stack technology for one year and a half, addressing among other aspects network security and the safe introduction of Ipv6 for services.
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