Welcome to the official site of the Computer Science and Engineering Department of University Politehnica of Bucharest, a part of the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers. Founded in 1969, the Computer Science and Engineering Department is a center for research and education offering undergraduate (Bachelor) as well as graduate (Master and PhD) programs. Strong research groups exist in areas such as distributed systems, scientific computing, foundations of computer science, artificial intelligence and many more. As part of the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, we offer training programs for postgraduate master’s and doctoral students, on several directions of specialization, for deepening the knowledge gained in the first four years of undergraduate study. The education takes place in modern amphitheaters, lecture rooms and state-of-the-art laboratories equipped with the latest learning and computing resources. |
Our students have many opportunities while studying in our Department. They have free access to learning and computing facilities, to the Internet and, through supplementary courses, they can obtain qualifications and competence certifications in various domains of expertise, such as: Operating and Computing Systems, Networking, Databases, Artificial Intelligence, Embedded Systems, High-Performance Computing, Software Systems, etc. The best students, having outstanding academic and professional results, can also participate in a wide range of national and international contests, and also have the opportunity to take internships, in some of the most prestigious universities worldwide during their studies or as part of their diploma-, dissertation- or PhD theses projects. |
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Prioritatea Departamentului de Calculatoare din Facultatea de Automatică și Calculatoare a Universității Politehnica din București este menținerea stării de sănătate a studenților noștri, a cadrelor didactice și a personalului administrativ. |
În acest sens, monitorizăm constant evoluţia răspândirii virusului COVID-19 pe teritoriul României și aplicăm măsurile asumate la nivelul UPB pentru a limita răspândirea COVID-19, asigurând totodată continuarea activității noastre de predare și cercetare în mediul online. Suntem în contact permanent cu toți membrii comunității noastre universitare și vă vom comunica în mod constant toate hotărârile luate pe canalele de comunicare pe care le avem la dispoziție. Răspunsuri la o serie de întrebări frecvente pe această temă sunt disponibile pe site-ul UPB aici: https://upb.ro/upb- |