Course Instructor:
Carmen OdubasteanuSyllabus
This course presents the characteristics of workflow (business) processes and workflow management systems and the main steps followed to achieve an informatics model for a business process.
Gradually, will be introduced: the reference architecture of workflow systems, the value and benefits of Business Process Management ( BPM), the key terms and concepts in BPM, the principles of BPM and how to apply them, BPM best practices and methodologies, basic business process management and measurement techniques, business process modeling using Petri nets.
All these notions will help to understand process architecture, process analysis, process redesign, process improvement, process automation, and organization design - and how to make them work together. Students will be able to make a business process model based on an informal descript ion (using a dedicated BPM software package), to apply concepts such as case, task, work item, activity, role, organizational unit, resource etc. to analyze a workflow process (validation, verification, and performance analysis) and redesign it in order to improve it.