Facultatea de Auomatica si CalculatoareFacultatea de Auomatica si Calculatoare

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Introduction to Virtual Reality

Course Instructor: Alin Moldoveanu


Virtual reality can be briefly defined as a set of technologies and concepts that allows the user interaction with a computer-simulated environment, whether or not directly related to reality. Nowadays, virtual reality is a complex and evolving area, with a very wide range of applications, ranging from games to medicine, military, education, industry and science.

The course aims to present the main concepts and techniques used in virtual reality, the main types of application and to identify trends and perspectives. A distinctive feature of this course, compared to other courses on virtual reality at the same level, is the emphasis on interdisciplinary related issues (social, psychological, medical, economic, legal, etc.) as well as the understanding of immersion from many perspectives. In this way it aims to create the ability to understand the various aspects to be taken into account when designing a virtual reality system.

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