Facultatea de Auomatica si CalculatoareFacultatea de Auomatica si Calculatoare

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Introduction in Informatics

Course Instructor: Francisc Iacob, Liviana Nicoleta Tudor

The course introduces basic elements for the number representation in a computer, with fixed point and floating point, arithmetic operations with fixed point and floating point numbers. Also, it allows the understanding of the computer structure and operation. The course accomplishes a description of the functional units of a computer: the control unit, the arithmetic-logic unit, the memory and the input / output subsystem. During the laboratory the students develop some applications achieving numerical processing with numbers represented in user defined format with very high precision.


  • Numerical bases.
  • Number conversion from one base to another base.
  • Number representation in fixed point direct code, 1' complement code and 2' complement code.
  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations with numbers represented in fixed point.
  • Number representation in floating point.
  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations with numbers represented in floating point.
  • Elementary computer structure.
  • Functional units of computers.
  • Arithmetic - logic unit. Memory.
  • Control unit.
  • Instruction execution in a sequential computer.
  • Input / output subsystem.
  • The structure of an input / output interface.
  • The interrupt system of a computer.
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