
Advanced Microprocessor based Systems

Course Instructor: Cornel Popescu


  • Presentation and use of current technologies used by microprocessor technology and advanced processing techniques as well as advanced features of microprocessor systems.
  • General description and function of advanced microprocessor systems architectures:
    • vector architectures and advanced multimedia;
    • streams architectures, multithreaded architectures;
    • multicore and multiprocessor circuits;
    • architectures polymorphic core grid based on clusters on FPGA or asynchronous.
  • Presentation and use of advanced programming models and compilation.
  • Presentation and use virtual machines in the development and execution of current microprocessor systems.
  • Presentation and methods of dynamic compilation in systems with advanced microprocessors.
  • General and function description of advanced fault tolerant architectures. Applying machine learning techniques ML ("Machine Learning") at the advanced microprocessor systems.
  • Study, development and analysis in terms of hardware / software of the advanced microprocessors systems.