
Microprocessor Systems

Course Instructor: Cornel Popescu.

After studying the course of systems with microprocessors, including the laboratory, the students will be able to: understand the function of some new work structures with microprocessors, like desktop, notebook, server or incorporate systems; design and simulate the function of these systems; fault a numeric system with a microprocessor; design system applications with microprocessors, advanced as well as incorporate.


  • Introduction.
  • Diagnosing a microprocessor system.
  • Main bus standards.The architecture and the programming of the CISC Intel processors and their system design.
  • The architecture and programming of the CISC Motorola processors and their system design.
  • The architecture and programming of the RISC processors and their system design.
  • The architecture and programming of the digital signal processors and their system design.
  • The architecture and programming of the VLIW processors and their system design.
  • The architecture and programming of the CISC and RISC incorporated processors and their system design.
  • Conclusions and debates for the exam based on the course and laboratory material.