Our university will be represented this year at the "Embedded Linux Conference North America" by colleagues from our department.
Our colleague Ioana Culic, together with Cosmin Radu (33CA) will present a keynote [1] about the IoT educational platform Wyliodrin STUDIO made in our department.
Alexandru Vochescu (341C1) and Alexandru Radovici will present "Contributions to TockOS" [2], a secure microcontroller operating system developed by Stanford and other US universities. At the moment, our team is in the top 5 contributors of the project.
Alexandru Vochescu will practically present his bachelor's thesis and part of Teona Severin's bachelor's thesis (341C1).
The recorded stream will be available on youtube in a few weeks.
[1] https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-north-america/
[2] https://www.tockos.org/